Monday, September 6, 2010

Lifes Little Twists and Turns

Pyr and Trent aren't the onlys ones to find themselves blessed with little ones.  Imm has two of them - Keely and Billy, her two children that she had to her sexy tattoo artist boyfriend.  Still, they are pretty good kids, apart from the fact that her daughter has evil tendencies.

Lady Wolf
While LW hasn't had children yet, her boyfriend has moved in with her.  Which is a good thing, as he is a cook.

Tiamat has a boyfriend, but he hasn't moved in with her yet.  She also seems a little clucky too.  She keeps reading books on pregnancy and thinking about childrens things.  She has also taken to walking around with a plate of pancakes - what is more bizarre is the fact the she actually managed to score a promotion out of doing so.

Ana hasn't met anyone yet, though she isn't short of friends and acquaintences, and her political career is doing well, as she is now a member of the City Council.

Moriha's life these days is full of late nights and glamourous fundraiser parties.  They are beginning to become very popular and she often has people flocking to them and leaving huge donations.

Trent & Pyretta
Trent has been doing well  careerwise - he has actually managed to join a league, you you believe.

Pyr thinks she has this whole motherhood thing well and truly sorted out: Y'see, what you do is you feed the baby, hug the baby, play with the baby - then leave it to the father to change the stinky nappies.

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