Friday, November 20, 2009

SERIES 3: How Bizarre, How Bizarre

Imm's got a rather juicy lead on a great article today. She also keeps putting books in the freezer

*Ok, I have a cool, pic of the Bunny recieving guests but I can't find it anywhere at the moment. Will complete this entry if and when I can find it.*

Moriha has quite the collection pf lovers. Wherever does she get the time for them all?

Moriha's shower sprung a leak, she was quite upset about it. But she spend the whole afternoon trying to fix it. She seems to really like fixing things. She didn't get any sleep that night. What with Camille waking her up and the stove catching on fire.

Modron's learnt a new song. Now she doesn't have to send the neighbourhood mad with her various renditions of Smoke on the Water. She finally got round to replacing the stove, and she's got herself a job as a stagehand. The extra money she makes from that will come in handy for sure.

Mad never pits the baby away after he has played with him. He just leaves Tyson lying around the place. Another thing for Arcueid to pick up. Arcueid wants another baby. Which is kind of bizarre considering Tyson keeps them up all night.

Wolfie's managed to teach Kevin how to walk, now the little guy scurries all over the place. For some reason Boo sneazes a lot. Wolfie fancies himself quite the artist. Pity no one else agrees with him. Boo, that little hussy, has started flirting with the guests. Wolfie either doesn't care or doesn't notice.

Arcuied's came over to visit, and she has a baby bump. White Trent's at work, doing the 9 to 5 slog, Pyr is in the pool toning up by doing laps. Trent worked over time today.

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