Not much has changed in Imm's life, aside from getting a little older. Imm still spends most of her time writing. Its been a case of S.S.D.D however.
Trent's come over to visit.

She's been doing okay, though. She is working as a Lab Tech now.
She tries her hand at fixing a computer, spends half the night doing it, and somehow manages to get it working again.

Still no babby for Modron, a truly miraculous achievement given the Raven birthrate. Her career has gone stagnant, and she is feeling a little stir crazy. She managed to make an absolute fool of herself out the front of work and ended up preoccupied with the embarrassment throughout her work shift.
Arcueid left Sherman outside overnight! At least her music careers a little better than her career in parenthood, that's got to be something, right? Arcuid is a shocking mother however, her little one is always crying about something she has neglected to tend to.
Mad's career is starting to pick up. He's even getting a chance to interview people -- although it means that he is always working overtime, arrives home buggered, and never gets to have any fun any more.
Dutch and Boo have had another baby. This time a little boy called Loren. The house is now only just big enough to cope with the growing familyy. Boudicca is run off her feet looking after the rowdy little terrors. Boo's been hanging out for some pampering at the day spa.
It seems Pyr has gotten her own back on Trent for sleeping through the birth of their first child, as Trent is now the one that has to care for it in the middle of the night.
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