Imm's another Raven with a little one. The newborn babe is called Andres. No idea who the father is though, or even where is for that matter. The whole situation hasn't exactly thrilled Immortelle much, as she absolutely hates children.
Moriha is also the mother of a little boy called Simon. With all the guys around the place that she has been seeing, this news is certainly no surprise. However, once again, there is no way of telling who the father is. These Raven women certainly are a fertile and productive bunch. Moriha still manages to find time to garden though. For some reason, Moriha is still in her dressing down even after a bath
So far it seems Modron has managed to avoid getting pregnant. Half way to work Modron forgot where she was supposed to be going, and ended up spending half the day wandering aimlessly around Transimvania
Arcueid's another Raven woman who has fallen prey to the motherhood bug. A little boy called Sherman, and once again there is a mystery father. Could we be witnessing a 'Witches of Eastwick' scenario playing out here? Arcueid feels like she has been stuck in a rut. She's been working as a stagehand for what feels like an eternity, and it doesn't look like that is going to change any time to soon.
Meanwhile, life certainly is easier when you live in a big house, but it certainly doesn't seem to improve his chances at promotion much. And he still has to cook his own meals.
But with all his imaginary friends to talk to, Mad is never lonely.


Arcuied has a thing for Wolfie. She has started following him everywhere. Wolfie's finally landed a promotion. Not much, but its a start. He's also managed to procure a stereo from somewhere. Can't use it though, as there is currantly a ban on the usage of them in Transimvania. Something about the stereos putting too much of a strain on the power grid.
Pyr had been meandering around Transimvania with a nice big baby belly. But upon waking up the next morning, of when I was playing the household, Pyretta had to race off to the hospital. Alone. Trent just ran around the bedroom panicking for about a minute or so, and then went back to bed. When Pyr cam back, she was carrying little baby Ethan.
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