When we had left Immortelle she was struggling witht he ubringing of two babies. Since then, Marcel has become an absent minded, outdoor loving coward of a child and little Solanine is a friendly little genius. Imm still hasn't advanced very far in her chosen career path, the little ones kieep her too busy for such things.
Duke's been getting very friendly with Modron
Arcuied's started flirting with her new accomplice, Duke. And how do you think Duke responds to this? Kick over her rubbish bin of course. 'Cos he is teh ebil.
Modron's getting quite good at playing guitar and has a veritable bevvy of charming suitors pursuing her. Even Duke is in on the action.
Mad Gatsu
Mad's got a new job in the sports career and doesn't he love it. SO much so that he's been climbing up the ranks.
Humberto has recently grown into childhood and has developed a streak of inappropriateness.

Uh oh! Dutch's set fire to the stove. He manages to put out the fire, but the stove is damaged so badly that they will need to buy a new one
Boo really wants a promotion, so she's been busy training. She spent the whole afternoon working out. She'll feel that in the morning.
Trent & Pyr
No little'un yet. Yet being the important word here, as Pyr has been feeling a little sickly of late. Trent is, of course, fiendishly delighted by his wife's discomfort, and laughs evilly quite frequently.
Imm'll be out of the first series before the others as she was introduced to the game as an adult not young adult like the others were. She is currantly a retired elder.
Marcel is now in high school and has developed into an absent minded, frugal coward who loves the outdoors. Solanine has become a bit technophobic.
Imm's family has been hanging out with the Wolfpack clan a bit, and she's been writing a Sci Fi novel.
Duke's managed to acquire a few enemies and even more stereos. He seems to quite enjoy being a theiving little bastard :P
Arcuied has a little daughter called Shante. She is insane, grumpy and artistic.

Her husband likes to play with dolls, and is not a particularly good cook either.
Despite having no less than two guys on the go, both of which she apparently sees quite frequently, she miraculously has avoided getting pregnant.
Mad Gatsu
Mad likes to work out in his bathers
Dutch and Boo
Humberto is now a teenager, and a vegetarian at that.
Boo loves hearing whatever goss Humberto comes home from school with.
Wolfie decided to join an eating contest at the local diner after work. Didn't do till well, though.
Trent & Pyretta
Trent and Pyr have had a little one called Diego. He's a brave artistic little fella.
Trent has been contentedly working as a filing clerk, whereas Pyr works behind the desk at the local police station, although she has been allowed time off to care for Diego. For some reason, she is completely preoccupied with the whole notion of woohoo (sex).
With Pyr feeling all horny and such, Trent makes an attempt to remedy the situation. Being married with kids leaves room for too few opportunities for such activities, you understand. However, Pyr is now feeling too cranky for woohoo.
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