Thursday, September 17, 2009

Immortelle (Marcel and Solanine)
With Imm now one of the dearly departed, we shall now begin following the lives of her two children Marcel and Solanine.

For some reason, whenever I go to play Marcel and Solanine's household, Boudicca's there.

Solanine has two guitars in her inventory. She must really like collecting guitars. Marcel's found a Mysterious Garden Gnome in his travels.

Imm's ghost frequently visits to play computer games

Arcueid's daughter has left home, and for some reason Arcueid has lost her job. She sorts out this problem by quite simply finding another job.

Shante comes over to visits and immediately sets about insulting her parents.

Jamal has purple hair. Wierd.

Duke has left Transimvania and Araidia has grown into a rather evil teenager.

Duke's departure hasn't bothered Modron in the slightest. She had been having an affair with another townie by the name of Jamal Betancourt. She has also retired from the military. Modron's got quite a recipe book colllection happening

Mad Gatsu
Mad is another Transimvanian who is now in his twilight years. Playing sports these days is a little more strenuous than what he remembered.

Boo and Dutch
Boudicca and Dutch have also grown old. For some reason, Dutch and the boys like spending their nights at the cemetary. They love hanging out with the ghosts there, and getting scared.

Trent and Pyretta
Even Trent and Phyretta have moved on into old age.

Trent's been feeling pretty good at work, but he has been pissing off his boss and co workers.

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