Its a lazy Sunday and the pair are off attending short courses. Duke has decided to take little Brooke with him, rather than leave him to the baby sitter. The rest of the day is spent relaxing and just taking it easy.
Trent and Pyretta are still childless. But careerwise they are doing well, or at least Pyretta is anyway.
Demmy doesn't get on all that well with her boss, Pyretta, a fact that does't seem to bother her at all.
That hottie boyfriend Gustavo has moved in with the Bunny and the baby. Like hell she was gonna do this on her own. Gustavo is a bit of a clean freak so he not only keeps Kristen out of her hair, but he cleans up to.
Things are certainly chaotic in Moriha's household. The house is in complete disarray due to all the extensions that have been added on. But she gets her pretty kitchen back, and an office.

Mad likes to clean things, not because he likes things to be clean and tidy, the state of house doesn't bother him. He just really likes cleaning things. All he wants to do is clean.

If Mad likes to clean things, Can Moriha hire him as her House keeper...
Lol! I don't think Sims are able to hire other playable sims just yet. You can hire maids, but they're computer controlled ones.