Duke has been going a little stir crazy being stuck at home caring for the little one all the time, but thats parenthood for you. Even when he heads out for a night out on the town he can't handle it -- too tired.
Imm's idea of doing the dishes - lick 'em clean. Charming. Absolutely charming is what that is.
Pyr is a super villan! (always knew she was pure evil, I mean, just look at her cooking!)
Fed up with Pyr's idea of gourmet cooking, Trent has taken up the chore of cooking dinner.
Demmy's been promoted to a thug. These days she comes home from work absolutely exhausted.
With the increase in the size of the household, the Bunny has also had to increase the size of her little old church. Not a bad thing really. Just costly. Her son gets his own bedroom to play in with plenty of toys, and she gets her bedroom back, and she now has room for a proper kitchen and dining table.
Moriha has got amnesia. She doesn't remember her children, what she does for a living or anything. She doesn't even know when to wake up or go to sleep. So it comes as quite a surprise to discover three screaming toddlers running around her house, which seems to have doubled in size. And there are a lot more people in the neighbourhood than the last time she remembered. She doesn't recall being this tired all the time either.
Mad never seems to get anywhere with work, no matter how suave his attire may be. His boss tries to placate his discontentment with token raising, but Mad seeks it for what it is. Still, he slogs away hoping that it would one day bear better fruit.