Messy and Arcueid have had a baby girl called Mitzi. Nice name choice there folks. Messy's got a mouldy bowl on the kitchen sink that he won't get rid of. Ew!!!
WHAT ON EARTH!!??! Looking Sathyr's list of acquaintences friends and family shows Duke being her husband. He is also married to Immortelle. What on earth has this guy been up to. I didn't even realise a Sim could be married to multiple other Sims in this game!! How many other women is he married to. Its bad enough that Sathyr has a son to him (called Reed of all things.)
Duke, as we now know, is at present married to both Sathy and Immortelle. He is has three children with yet another wife. Immortelle also has a daughter called Jeanne. She is currently pregnant with another child.
Damn, that Dukie boy sure is doing the rounds. Not content with 3 wives and six children, he is also having an affair with the Bunny as well.
Boo comes over to hang out with Moriha. She nearly kills them both trying to cook breakfast. I suspect Moriha has homicidal tendenceis as she really wants to see Boo as a fiery ghost. Not that she actually hates her or anything. They're actaully friends.
Mad's doing really well at work, but he is still just a paper boy. Mad has been feeling a little lonely , so he heads off to Central Park to check out the local talent. Moriha's there, so he tries to pick her up. He fails miserably.
Boo's really good friends with the Bunny. Wolfie wants another child, but I don't think Boo is that keen on the idea. A theif made off with their shower while they were sleeping.
Both Trent and Pyr have promotions. Trent works in the army mess hall now and Pyr is a cutpurse.

You see, this is what happens when you let Pyretta cook stuff.
After breakfast, Trent and Pyr head off to the gym for a work out. After a vigorous workout, Pyr feels a bit peckish and decides to have something to eat. She managed to wreck just about everything in the gym's kitchen.
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