Messy has finally managed to become a Council Member. Once Mitzi has been fed, Arcuied heads off to the art gallery. As Arcueid gazes at the dazzling display of creative art, her wayward mind drifts and thinks of Paris and the wonderous sights she could see there. And then signs. Back to reality. She turns around and heads back home to where a loving husband and an adorable child await her.
She comes home and prepares a mean. But her thoughts were still with Champ Le Sims, and ash she showered, a fire began to line the kitchen walls with their ever hungry flames.
Sathyr pays Duke a visit and introduces him to his new son. He doesn't seem all that enthusiastic. ut considering he has six children with three different women, this is no surprise.
Imm couldn't handle sharing Duke with four others, so she left him. No idea where she has gone, but now Duke has a son and a daught to take care of in his own. These kids are seriously cramping his style.
The Bunny had a fairly ordinary day. Worked. No promotion. Spent the whole afternoon bitching about it to Boo.
Mad and Moriha are boyfriend/girlfriend.
Moriha spends her day off working up a sweat at the gym. She wanted to head off to Champ Le Sims, only their were some technical difficulties at the Transimvanian Airport.
Mad spent the day picking up some new skills. Mad caught a minnow, named it Faye and put it in a bowl. Mad likes Fay. She's his bestest freind in the whole wide world.
Boo and Wolfie are a creative bunch. Boo spent her day off painting, and Wolfie practiced on the guitar.
Sathy came over to visit. She couldn't stay long though, as Pyretta had to go to work. Trent had a few errands to run after work and then he was back to the military base to attend a course in handiness.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
SERIES 4: The Case of the Harem
Messy and Arcueid have had a baby girl called Mitzi. Nice name choice there folks. Messy's got a mouldy bowl on the kitchen sink that he won't get rid of. Ew!!!
WHAT ON EARTH!!??! Looking Sathyr's list of acquaintences friends and family shows Duke being her husband. He is also married to Immortelle. What on earth has this guy been up to. I didn't even realise a Sim could be married to multiple other Sims in this game!! How many other women is he married to. Its bad enough that Sathyr has a son to him (called Reed of all things.)
Duke, as we now know, is at present married to both Sathy and Immortelle. He is has three children with yet another wife. Immortelle also has a daughter called Jeanne. She is currently pregnant with another child.
Damn, that Dukie boy sure is doing the rounds. Not content with 3 wives and six children, he is also having an affair with the Bunny as well.
Boo comes over to hang out with Moriha. She nearly kills them both trying to cook breakfast. I suspect Moriha has homicidal tendenceis as she really wants to see Boo as a fiery ghost. Not that she actually hates her or anything. They're actaully friends.
Mad's doing really well at work, but he is still just a paper boy. Mad has been feeling a little lonely , so he heads off to Central Park to check out the local talent. Moriha's there, so he tries to pick her up. He fails miserably.
Boo's really good friends with the Bunny. Wolfie wants another child, but I don't think Boo is that keen on the idea. A theif made off with their shower while they were sleeping.
Both Trent and Pyr have promotions. Trent works in the army mess hall now and Pyr is a cutpurse.

You see, this is what happens when you let Pyretta cook stuff.
After breakfast, Trent and Pyr head off to the gym for a work out. After a vigorous workout, Pyr feels a bit peckish and decides to have something to eat. She managed to wreck just about everything in the gym's kitchen.
Messy and Arcueid have had a baby girl called Mitzi. Nice name choice there folks. Messy's got a mouldy bowl on the kitchen sink that he won't get rid of. Ew!!!
WHAT ON EARTH!!??! Looking Sathyr's list of acquaintences friends and family shows Duke being her husband. He is also married to Immortelle. What on earth has this guy been up to. I didn't even realise a Sim could be married to multiple other Sims in this game!! How many other women is he married to. Its bad enough that Sathyr has a son to him (called Reed of all things.)
Duke, as we now know, is at present married to both Sathy and Immortelle. He is has three children with yet another wife. Immortelle also has a daughter called Jeanne. She is currently pregnant with another child.
Damn, that Dukie boy sure is doing the rounds. Not content with 3 wives and six children, he is also having an affair with the Bunny as well.
Boo comes over to hang out with Moriha. She nearly kills them both trying to cook breakfast. I suspect Moriha has homicidal tendenceis as she really wants to see Boo as a fiery ghost. Not that she actually hates her or anything. They're actaully friends.
Mad's doing really well at work, but he is still just a paper boy. Mad has been feeling a little lonely , so he heads off to Central Park to check out the local talent. Moriha's there, so he tries to pick her up. He fails miserably.
Boo's really good friends with the Bunny. Wolfie wants another child, but I don't think Boo is that keen on the idea. A theif made off with their shower while they were sleeping.
Both Trent and Pyr have promotions. Trent works in the army mess hall now and Pyr is a cutpurse.

You see, this is what happens when you let Pyretta cook stuff.
After breakfast, Trent and Pyr head off to the gym for a work out. After a vigorous workout, Pyr feels a bit peckish and decides to have something to eat. She managed to wreck just about everything in the gym's kitchen.
Friday, January 15, 2010
SERIES 4: Sprog sprog spog
Not even one week in and Duke is married with not one, not two, but THREE kids! Their names are Karyn, Marisela and Alan. But careerwise, he is doing extremely well, as he has a position on the city council, as does his new wife - a sim by the name of Tamara. Duke helps out a lot w hen it comes to caring for the little ones.
Arcueid has moved in with Messy. They're not married or going out yet. But they are madly in love. Messy is still cleaning podiums though.
Sathyr had some idiot sim try to move into her house. She kicked the fool out quick smart.
She spent the day attending a handiness class and touring the military base. Because she thought it would be a cool thing to do. After work she spend s the might playing chess in Central Park
Imm's been promoted to work as a filing clerk. She feels a need to improve her handiness skills, so she attends a course at the military base as well. The afternoon was spent on the phone yapping away to her boss.
The Bunny has also become a Member for the City Council. Which means a bigger house, nicer things and even room for a guitar and easel. But it also means she has to work harder.
She goes to Central Part to chat to some of the citizens. She meets Boudicca, and tries to convince her to donate to the Council. Boo is not in the slightest bit interested in donating to her cause, although they do manage to become friends.
Moriha hasn;'t really met very many people in Transimvania yet. The only person she knows is her boss. For most part to tends to keep to herself.
Mad is still working as a paper boy. At least he has a few friends these days.
Boo and Wolfie had had a little girl called Lois. For some reason Boo and Wolfie always manage to produce really really ugly babies.
While they both have a day off work, they choose to spend the day doing different things. Pyr goes to the gym, and Trent hangs out at the park. They still have dinner together, though.
Not even one week in and Duke is married with not one, not two, but THREE kids! Their names are Karyn, Marisela and Alan. But careerwise, he is doing extremely well, as he has a position on the city council, as does his new wife - a sim by the name of Tamara. Duke helps out a lot w hen it comes to caring for the little ones.
Arcueid has moved in with Messy. They're not married or going out yet. But they are madly in love. Messy is still cleaning podiums though.
Sathyr had some idiot sim try to move into her house. She kicked the fool out quick smart.
She spent the day attending a handiness class and touring the military base. Because she thought it would be a cool thing to do. After work she spend s the might playing chess in Central Park
Imm's been promoted to work as a filing clerk. She feels a need to improve her handiness skills, so she attends a course at the military base as well. The afternoon was spent on the phone yapping away to her boss.
The Bunny has also become a Member for the City Council. Which means a bigger house, nicer things and even room for a guitar and easel. But it also means she has to work harder.
She goes to Central Part to chat to some of the citizens. She meets Boudicca, and tries to convince her to donate to the Council. Boo is not in the slightest bit interested in donating to her cause, although they do manage to become friends.
Moriha hasn;'t really met very many people in Transimvania yet. The only person she knows is her boss. For most part to tends to keep to herself.
Mad is still working as a paper boy. At least he has a few friends these days.
Boo and Wolfie had had a little girl called Lois. For some reason Boo and Wolfie always manage to produce really really ugly babies.
While they both have a day off work, they choose to spend the day doing different things. Pyr goes to the gym, and Trent hangs out at the park. They still have dinner together, though.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
SERIES 4: Rebirth
When Duke arrived in town, he headed over to the city hall and got a position with the council. He does love his positions to have authority, doesn't he now? Afterwards he attends guitar lessons and chats up a Chinese tourist. But the at the end of the day Duke finds that being the only person living in Transimvania can be very lonely.
Over the road from Duke is Messy. Much like Duke, Messy grabs himself a council job, since that seems to be where its at at the moment.
Messy is a shocking cook.
That night he goes to the local cemetery to see if he can spot any ghosts - because he thinks it would be really cool to see one. He sits down on the bench and waits. To help pass the time, he starts to read a book, only he becomes so entrossed in what he is reading, that he fails to notice a ghost that walks right past him.
Sathys got a job folding cloths at the local health and beauty spa. After landing the job, she kicked back and chilled at the diner across the road, and even attended a cooking class there. Then she headed off home again. All in all, a pretty enjoyable, if boring, day.
Imm arrives in town, has breakfast, then gets a job as a coffee courier. Afterwards a painting class is in order - because she likes to think she is artistic and talented. Then its back home again to relax and read a book or two. A rather unexciting day, really.
The Bunny is another sim working for the Transimvania city council
She goes to the gallery, which is by the way, packed with snap happy tourists, and is inspired. A pity there is no room at her place for an easel
Moriha has been feeling rather devilish of late, so she accepts a position as a decoy with the local crime syndicate. Then she heads off to the gym, where she works out until late at night.
Arcueid dreams of conducting an orchestra, so she takes music lessons and gets a job in the music industry. Arcueid meets Messy down the street. They chat and flirt for hours. The two start flirting incessantly and they soon become good friends.
Mad moves in and gets a job as a paper boy. He attends a writing class, and then for the rest of the day gets on the phone and pesters his new boss.
After serving a breakfast of charcoal black waffles, our duo both get jobs in music. Wolfie isn't the best cook in the world, but they are both starving, so they'll eat anything.
These two do everything together. They've only beed in town a few hours and already they are thinking about babies. By early next morning, Boo is rushing to the toilet with morning sickness.
Pyr, ever thr rogue, has chosen a life of crime. Trent, on the other hand, is the more orderly of our duo, prefers the structure of the military life. First night in and they're robbed! (the theif stole their toilet :) )
When Duke arrived in town, he headed over to the city hall and got a position with the council. He does love his positions to have authority, doesn't he now? Afterwards he attends guitar lessons and chats up a Chinese tourist. But the at the end of the day Duke finds that being the only person living in Transimvania can be very lonely.
Over the road from Duke is Messy. Much like Duke, Messy grabs himself a council job, since that seems to be where its at at the moment.
Messy is a shocking cook.
That night he goes to the local cemetery to see if he can spot any ghosts - because he thinks it would be really cool to see one. He sits down on the bench and waits. To help pass the time, he starts to read a book, only he becomes so entrossed in what he is reading, that he fails to notice a ghost that walks right past him.
Sathys got a job folding cloths at the local health and beauty spa. After landing the job, she kicked back and chilled at the diner across the road, and even attended a cooking class there. Then she headed off home again. All in all, a pretty enjoyable, if boring, day.
Imm arrives in town, has breakfast, then gets a job as a coffee courier. Afterwards a painting class is in order - because she likes to think she is artistic and talented. Then its back home again to relax and read a book or two. A rather unexciting day, really.
The Bunny is another sim working for the Transimvania city council
She goes to the gallery, which is by the way, packed with snap happy tourists, and is inspired. A pity there is no room at her place for an easel
Moriha has been feeling rather devilish of late, so she accepts a position as a decoy with the local crime syndicate. Then she heads off to the gym, where she works out until late at night.
Arcueid dreams of conducting an orchestra, so she takes music lessons and gets a job in the music industry. Arcueid meets Messy down the street. They chat and flirt for hours. The two start flirting incessantly and they soon become good friends.
Mad moves in and gets a job as a paper boy. He attends a writing class, and then for the rest of the day gets on the phone and pesters his new boss.
After serving a breakfast of charcoal black waffles, our duo both get jobs in music. Wolfie isn't the best cook in the world, but they are both starving, so they'll eat anything.
These two do everything together. They've only beed in town a few hours and already they are thinking about babies. By early next morning, Boo is rushing to the toilet with morning sickness.
Pyr, ever thr rogue, has chosen a life of crime. Trent, on the other hand, is the more orderly of our duo, prefers the structure of the military life. First night in and they're robbed! (the theif stole their toilet :) )
Due to what seems to be a bug in the World Adventures expansion pack recently installed, I have had to erase and redo Transimvania.
Both Moriha and the Bunny had purchased a martial arts training dummy while on holiday in Shang Simla, and it caused some rather serious instabilities in the game. In order to get the Sims working again I had to delete the neighbourhood and start over.
I still have the last few posts from Series 3 if anyone wants them, but at this point, I'll be publishing Series 4.
Both Moriha and the Bunny had purchased a martial arts training dummy while on holiday in Shang Simla, and it caused some rather serious instabilities in the game. In order to get the Sims working again I had to delete the neighbourhood and start over.
I still have the last few posts from Series 3 if anyone wants them, but at this point, I'll be publishing Series 4.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
SERIES 3: The Return of the Duke
Duke moved in and straight away he was in front of the telly doing aerobics workouts. Afterwards, he taxied over to the cop shop and signed up into the police force, then realised he had forgotten his breakfast, and raced back home again. He had waffles, which he completely botched up and burnt to a crisp. He ate them anyway.
Duke's hanging out for a party, but he doesn't know anyone in the neighbourhood yet.
Bored out of his mind, Duke skulks around the neighbourhood, kicking over everyone's rubbish bins and generally makes a mess of the place. In this middle of his rampage, his boss Trent calls up for a friendly chat, and cautions him concerning his reckless and irresponsible ways.
A few houses down, the Buny comes over to visit Messy. The Bunny thinks Messy is cute, but he has no idea how to pick up chicks. But then it is time to go to work. Messy reluctantly hops in the car and heads off.
Messy has quite a few girlfriends on the go, so perhaps he knows more about charming women than what the Bunny thinks. He comes home and works out in front of the telly. Gotta keep himself trim for the ladies, you understand.
After his work out, its a bowl of macaroni and cheese in front of the tv for him. While eating, he chuckles evilly into his bowl What on earth is this guy planning???
In the morning, he wakes up and goes to the toilet, only to find that the bathroom has been flooded out.
Imm has moved in with her boyfriemd, Gage Brody. She finally has enough room for her own computer, so she is able to finish "War and Geese" without needing to use the library's crappy computers. It is finished and is an instant bestseller.
The Bunny is still in her little house in a minimum wage medical position. She can't figure out why she isn't getting anywhere. Its not like she has any drive, any ambition or the like. Its not like she is happy working as an organ donator, either, I mean she only has so many organs in her body that can be donated for crying out loud. Still, she isn't exactly unhappy with her life so far either.
Moriha has managed to become a member of the Transimvanian City Council. She bounds into the house and decides to treat Camilla with some grilled cheese sandwiches, but nothing ever seems to put a smile on the face of her surly little daughter.
Modron has a fairly uneventful day,o other than the fact that she chose not to perform in the park today. However, that night she did get broken into. She called the police. But they were too late, and the theif had run off with her television.
Arcueid still runs a department, but what she really wants to do is learn how to play a guitar, and conduct an orchestra. So that night, after work, instead of going home to help out with caring for the children, Arcueid quits her job, takes guitar lessons and joins the music career. By the time she gets home that night, Mad is hungry and very, very cranky.
Boo's eldest has grown. He's not as ugly as he was when he was a little baby. She doesn't have much time for herself these days, looking after a house full of children.
They have had yet another daughter called Loretta. Hmmm . . . . Pyretta and Loretta. . . . .
Trent wandered into someones house and started using their telescope. The house's owners weren't terribly amused by Lieutenant D'Oreb's misbehaviour.
With there not being enough room in the house, Pyr sets up the nursery in the garage. Trent will just have to part the cruiser otuside.
Duke moved in and straight away he was in front of the telly doing aerobics workouts. Afterwards, he taxied over to the cop shop and signed up into the police force, then realised he had forgotten his breakfast, and raced back home again. He had waffles, which he completely botched up and burnt to a crisp. He ate them anyway.
Duke's hanging out for a party, but he doesn't know anyone in the neighbourhood yet.
Bored out of his mind, Duke skulks around the neighbourhood, kicking over everyone's rubbish bins and generally makes a mess of the place. In this middle of his rampage, his boss Trent calls up for a friendly chat, and cautions him concerning his reckless and irresponsible ways.
A few houses down, the Buny comes over to visit Messy. The Bunny thinks Messy is cute, but he has no idea how to pick up chicks. But then it is time to go to work. Messy reluctantly hops in the car and heads off.
Messy has quite a few girlfriends on the go, so perhaps he knows more about charming women than what the Bunny thinks. He comes home and works out in front of the telly. Gotta keep himself trim for the ladies, you understand.
After his work out, its a bowl of macaroni and cheese in front of the tv for him. While eating, he chuckles evilly into his bowl What on earth is this guy planning???
In the morning, he wakes up and goes to the toilet, only to find that the bathroom has been flooded out.
Imm has moved in with her boyfriemd, Gage Brody. She finally has enough room for her own computer, so she is able to finish "War and Geese" without needing to use the library's crappy computers. It is finished and is an instant bestseller.
The Bunny is still in her little house in a minimum wage medical position. She can't figure out why she isn't getting anywhere. Its not like she has any drive, any ambition or the like. Its not like she is happy working as an organ donator, either, I mean she only has so many organs in her body that can be donated for crying out loud. Still, she isn't exactly unhappy with her life so far either.
Moriha has managed to become a member of the Transimvanian City Council. She bounds into the house and decides to treat Camilla with some grilled cheese sandwiches, but nothing ever seems to put a smile on the face of her surly little daughter.
Modron has a fairly uneventful day,o other than the fact that she chose not to perform in the park today. However, that night she did get broken into. She called the police. But they were too late, and the theif had run off with her television.
Arcueid still runs a department, but what she really wants to do is learn how to play a guitar, and conduct an orchestra. So that night, after work, instead of going home to help out with caring for the children, Arcueid quits her job, takes guitar lessons and joins the music career. By the time she gets home that night, Mad is hungry and very, very cranky.
Boo's eldest has grown. He's not as ugly as he was when he was a little baby. She doesn't have much time for herself these days, looking after a house full of children.
They have had yet another daughter called Loretta. Hmmm . . . . Pyretta and Loretta. . . . .
Trent wandered into someones house and started using their telescope. The house's owners weren't terribly amused by Lieutenant D'Oreb's misbehaviour.
With there not being enough room in the house, Pyr sets up the nursery in the garage. Trent will just have to part the cruiser otuside.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
SERIES 3: New Life
Messy's only been in town a week and already he is breaking hearts.
Imm almost forgot that today was a work day. She ended up spending only an hour at work before it was time to knock off. She is still working on "Oar and Geese". She saw Boo in the library today. My my, that belly of Boo's is looking awfully round, isn't it? Boo actually gave birth to her third child while in the library that day.
The Bunny has bought one of those steampunk telescopes, and she really likes using it. It is almost as good as gardening. Almost.
Moriha got some bookse to improve her charisma. Camilla's grown a bit. She is turning into a grumpy little thing.
Modron did a spot of midnight gardening.
The babysitter Mad hired wasn't very good. He just stood outside the door and read a book. When Mad came home the little ones were screaming the poor little lungs out. But by their bedtime they were all fed, cleaned and tucked in to bed as they should be. Mad didn't get any writing done though, and he was absolutely exhausted.
Boo's had a little girl called Leanne. Her eldest, Kevin has grown up. He is a cowardly little thing who is friendly and easily impressed. Wolfie has come over again, and well . . . . nothing really.
Trent and Pyr have had a . . . um . . . a daughter - I think. They have named it Nawwaf. Weird name guys. Weird. They have also moved into a new house. Messy won't be happy about that one - he has lost his free entertainment. Nawwaf is as evil as her parents and cute little thing really. Trent is not particularly a fan of babies, but he certained does enjoy trying to make them. He is always trying to make babies with Pyr these days.
Messy's only been in town a week and already he is breaking hearts.
Imm almost forgot that today was a work day. She ended up spending only an hour at work before it was time to knock off. She is still working on "Oar and Geese". She saw Boo in the library today. My my, that belly of Boo's is looking awfully round, isn't it? Boo actually gave birth to her third child while in the library that day.
The Bunny has bought one of those steampunk telescopes, and she really likes using it. It is almost as good as gardening. Almost.
Moriha got some bookse to improve her charisma. Camilla's grown a bit. She is turning into a grumpy little thing.
Modron did a spot of midnight gardening.
The babysitter Mad hired wasn't very good. He just stood outside the door and read a book. When Mad came home the little ones were screaming the poor little lungs out. But by their bedtime they were all fed, cleaned and tucked in to bed as they should be. Mad didn't get any writing done though, and he was absolutely exhausted.
Boo's had a little girl called Leanne. Her eldest, Kevin has grown up. He is a cowardly little thing who is friendly and easily impressed. Wolfie has come over again, and well . . . . nothing really.
Trent and Pyr have had a . . . um . . . a daughter - I think. They have named it Nawwaf. Weird name guys. Weird. They have also moved into a new house. Messy won't be happy about that one - he has lost his free entertainment. Nawwaf is as evil as her parents and cute little thing really. Trent is not particularly a fan of babies, but he certained does enjoy trying to make them. He is always trying to make babies with Pyr these days.
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