Friday, December 18, 2009

SERIES 3: New Sim On Da Block

Messy has moved into the neighbourhood. He's got a little house just down from the D'Orebs. He's decided that he wants to get into politics; so he gets on his bike and rides there. After getting a job at the Council buildings, he attends a guitar class. He doesn't actually own a guitar, but that doesn't really seem to bother him

He is barely in town two minutes, and what does Mesayah do? Picks a fight with Trent, whats what (Seriously what is it with Raven Sims and fighting Trent? The two seem to go hand in hand.) After decking Trent, he turns around and chats up some blonde called Kiley.

Messy really likes setting fire to his kitchen and then putting it out again. If gives him a great excuse to spray himself in the face with the fire hydrant. He spent half the day doing this, before finally deciding on eating a bowl of tinned soup.

Messy has discovered that he is able to spy on the D'Orebs from his bedroom window, which he tends to do a lot of.

Imm's still working as a professional blogger. SHe left food on the stove and headed off to work, resulting in the almost total destruction of her kitchen. Fortunately, she had a fire alarm installed and the fire department was able to get there in time to save the house. She still had to replace half the kitchen though.

After work, she headed off to the library to continue her epic novel "Oar and Geese". Then it was a late feed of Mackie and CHeese and then it was off to bed.

The Bunny seems to have traded one dead end, crappy job for another. But she has got a pay raise. That has gotta count for something, right? The Bunny is also a huge fan of macaroni and cheese, even though with her cooking skills, she is able to make much more appetising meals.

Moriha has also decided to leave the stove unattended while she raced off to work, much to the distress of Camilla's babysitter Jan. But of course, Jan didn't seem to mind the hunky fireman who showed up to put out the fire.

Modron had a fairly quiet and uneventful day today.

Arcueid and Mad have finally found a place that they like. They had an easy morning, too. Arcuied's finally got this whole motherhood thing sorted out, and Md has had a book published. Not much, but it was something, at least. Arcueid still has to endure late nights, thanks to 3 screaming toddlers however.

Boo is feeling a little restless. She has moved into an abandoned manor. Wolfie came over to visit that night, after he left, Boo was feeling a little queasy . . . .

Trent and Pyr have finally managed to find time for one another.

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