Wednesday, June 23, 2010

SERIES 6: Somebody Dies :(

Duke & Immortelle

The couple have settled into a pretty comfortable work/life routine, with there always seeming to be at lease someone home to look after Brook . . . . boring.

Trent and Moriha

Moriha's dumped the three screaming brats and moved in with Trent. Trent certainly didn't waste much time replacing Pyre, did he now?

And it certainly didn't take long for Moriha to find the bar either. At least we know why she finds him so attractive.


Demmy's in lurve and she is positively glowing.

The Bunny

The Bunny spends another night out on the town, then staggers home to bed, only to discover that her boyfriend has clogged the toilet again. The next day she gets even more annoyed when she discovers Gustav has also busted up the bathroom tap and has completely flooded the bathroom.

Mad Gatsu

As Mad frantically struggles to staunch the flames of yet another house fire, he is set alight. Panic stricken, he runs to the nearest pool in a bid to save himself, but sadly he is too late. He passes away the moment he hits the water. RIP Mad Gatso, may his spirit live on . . . .


Just as Mad tragically passes on, Messy is back and again happily living in his funky little beach shack. Messy just cannot keep away from mirrors. He is completely fascinated by his own reflection. Ever heard of Narcassius, mate?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Pyretta Leaves Transimvania


Imm heads out for a night on the town, leaving Duke to look after Brook. She stays out till the wee hours and wakes Duke up as she gets in. Its strange: for someone who is supposed to be a party animal, Duke really is quite the homebody.


Pyr's left Transimvania to conquer greater nations/

Doesn't bother Trent much, he is left with an awesome looking pad to lounge around in. And he doesn't have to put up with her crappy meals anymore either. Doesn't take him long to start making a mess of the place though


With Pyretta now out of the picture, Dementia is fast ascending the ranks of the criminal underworld


Imm isn't the only one enjoying the night life senza partner. The Bunny also heads out for a few drinks.


Moriha gets her memory back and realises that she now has two boyfriends: both Trent and Ruben (who is the father of her triplets). Not being able to handle the constant stream of mess, Moriha hires a cleaner to keep her home tidy.


Oh noez!!! Mad's been burglerised again. This time Mad does not take it lying down. Instead he opts for admiring the theifs tight buttocks then kicks the living crap out of them.

Saturday, June 12, 2010



Duke has been working as a Roadie, touring with some out of town pop group. It's not really his style of music, but it sure as hell beats his last job. And it gives him more time to be with Brooke during the day.

The babysitter Duke hired isn't that good. Barely looked after Brooke and left rubbish everywhere. With Immortelle present, the lazy thing picks up her game quick smart, cleaning up her mess and even cleaning up her mess and even doing all the dishes in a desperate bid to quell the ire of her employer.


Pyretta is is the Empress of Evil!! This is a fairly obvious fact really, because look at her cooking. And the fact that Trent is still just selling hot dogs at the stadium instead of playing?

Trent takes his frustration out on the house's plumbing, meaning that there is water everywhere, which Pyr absolutely hates. As a result, Pyr quickly finds herself surrounded by mess, a situation which she frantically strives to rectify.


Demmy seems to be getting on a bit better with Pyr, but her boss is the only person she talks to so . . .

Demmy's grown tired of growing lettuce. This comes as no surprise considering she spends her days sleeping and her nights beating people up that Pyretta doesn't like.


The Bunny has her own police cruiser now, since she has been promoted to lieutenant. It makes her feel all important.


Even though she doesn't remember giving birth to any of the children, or even what the father was like she cares for the children as though they were her own. She personally would prefer raising plants to raising children, they are so much queiter, you understand, and they would never keep her up half the night like this lot does.

Still hasn't got a job either. And she reaally wants to visit Champ De Sims.


Mad is another Raven that has made it to lieutenant. His bank account is looking a little happier as well.