Duke decided to do the right thing and invite his girlfriend and their children to move in with him. It meant that he needed to renovate, but they could afford it. At least he only has to cater for two now, as unfortunately little Keon passed away.
That day, Duke headed off to work without breakfast. He then spent half the day feeling really grumpy because he was hungry. Duke's girlfriend really likes being pampered. She spends the afternoon lounging around, taking bubblebaths and going to the spa. At lease she serves up breakfast in the morning.
HOLY COW!!! Messy has not one, not two but three, I repeat THREE girlfriends on the go at once - including Bunny, who he is still frequently seeing
Sathyr doesn't exactly get on well with Arcuied. You could even call them enemies. Sathy spent her days looking after little Darian. There are so many other things she wants to do with her life, and her heart and thoughts and dr eams still linger on those wonderful days with Marward.
The Bunny, finding her life is getting a little too domestic for comfort craves freedom, fresh air and tranquility. So she packs her bags and heads off for a vacation in Shang Sim La. Now, the Bunny is a Sim that craves physical perfection, and what better way than the Path of the Resolute Fist. A day spent there not honly has she achieved the yellow belt, but has recieved a request to get something from a tomb.
So she sleeps, eats her pancakes and heads off to see the tomb. She returns the relic she finds there and resumes her training at the martial arts academny, practicing breaking boards and achieves yet another belt.
Upon returning to Transimvania, the Bunny feels an overwhelming sense of renewal. Her mind fills with new possibiliites and potentials.
Imm's pregnant again. So yet another room is added. Imm really really likes painting
Moriha has been working overtime, not because the family needs the money, not because she is a particulalry career minded individual, but to make her boyfriend sweat a little. WHen her boyfriend has to head off to work that afternoon, the babysitter he hires turns out to be an absolute moron. Maybe Abe chose the babysitter because the babysitter made him look good.
Mad wants to head back to Shang SIm La but he barely has enough money to pay the bills let alone a plane ticket to a foreign country.
After the fire that nearly destroyed her home, and almost claimed her life, Arcuied finds herself cash strapped as her insurance company had failed to come to her aid. So she had to replace and repair everything herself, including doors and windows, to not mention the obscenely high cleaning hill.
Dutch has left town. With Wolfie out of her life, Boo is a single woman again, and she has managed to fall in love with just about every other male sim in town. Well, slight exaggeration maybe. But definately at least five, including Mad Gatso. She still has to look after Wolfie's child, however, so she has been condemned to the life of a single mother.
Tren't starting to get pretty damn good at this cooking thing. He still cooks the words ever spaghetti carbonara though.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
SERIES 5: Fortune
Here's something different. Duke has managed to go a week keeping his pants up.
Bunny has left Messy. This is no surprise considering their relationship was wrought with infidelity. While he still loves Bunny, he has plenty of other women that he has been seeing.
Sathyr worked her butt off today and came home to an early bed.
The Bunny has moved in with her latest boyfriend. A sim called Guillermo: a westerner with a penchant for dressing in asiastic attire.
Being a relic hunter, she is itching to hit the road and travel abroad. But she doesn't want to leave her boyfriend and baby at home. Ian does a good enough job of caring for Amir while she is at work, but she doesn't know how he will go while she is overseas for more than three days.
Moriha's boyfriend has moved in. Obviously he feels a need to be with his children and wants to help out. At least we hope thats the situation here.
Little baby vannessa keeps the household up all night. SHe is obviously one of those babies.
Mad hasn't been doing so well financially. While he has a nice neat and tidy home, his bank account isn't the same
Arcueid is a little better off, but still stuck in the same job. Sheh as set up a chess board in the garden and landscaped the place with palm tees marigold and flagstone pavers. It looks very nice
Boo and WOlfie have a little 'un. Arcueid's house is on fire!! Boo heard the explosion coming from her neighbours hour, but there was nothing she could do. She could see Arcuied inside frantically tring to souse the flames. I hope Arcuied's okay. She decides to flirt with danger and play chess on Arcueid's chess board. Who needs a backyard when you can use your neighbour's. Right?
By the way, the name of Boo and Wolfie's son is Rudy.
Trent's been promoted to a bed pan cleaner. Still a shitty job but hey, it pays better, and he gets a snazzy pink uniform.
Here's something different. Duke has managed to go a week keeping his pants up.
Bunny has left Messy. This is no surprise considering their relationship was wrought with infidelity. While he still loves Bunny, he has plenty of other women that he has been seeing.
Sathyr worked her butt off today and came home to an early bed.
The Bunny has moved in with her latest boyfriend. A sim called Guillermo: a westerner with a penchant for dressing in asiastic attire.
Being a relic hunter, she is itching to hit the road and travel abroad. But she doesn't want to leave her boyfriend and baby at home. Ian does a good enough job of caring for Amir while she is at work, but she doesn't know how he will go while she is overseas for more than three days.
Moriha's boyfriend has moved in. Obviously he feels a need to be with his children and wants to help out. At least we hope thats the situation here.
Little baby vannessa keeps the household up all night. SHe is obviously one of those babies.
Mad hasn't been doing so well financially. While he has a nice neat and tidy home, his bank account isn't the same
Arcueid is a little better off, but still stuck in the same job. Sheh as set up a chess board in the garden and landscaped the place with palm tees marigold and flagstone pavers. It looks very nice
Boo and WOlfie have a little 'un. Arcueid's house is on fire!! Boo heard the explosion coming from her neighbours hour, but there was nothing she could do. She could see Arcuied inside frantically tring to souse the flames. I hope Arcuied's okay. She decides to flirt with danger and play chess on Arcueid's chess board. Who needs a backyard when you can use your neighbour's. Right?
By the way, the name of Boo and Wolfie's son is Rudy.
Trent's been promoted to a bed pan cleaner. Still a shitty job but hey, it pays better, and he gets a snazzy pink uniform.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
SERIES 5: Let the Babby Fest Begin!!!
The Duke simply cannot help himself can ? He nwow has another son called Angel. I mean for crying out loud, Stop watching Buffy. We all know that Buffy is a step away from being Twilight.
The Bunny has been cheating on Messy. The Bunny also likes to collect seeds. Not to plant or anything like that. Just collect them. I'm just leaving that one the hell alone right now.
Sathy can has babby. A little boy called Darian, to her other boyfriend. She has a few on the go these days, you understand.
Sathy's not the only one who is now a mother. Immy also has a son called Amir. Imm's one inch closer to fame: she is working as a roadie.
Moriha has been feeling particularly fertile. She has a little daughter called Tennille and another on the way. Upon watching Moriha go about her business, it becomes evident as to why she is pregnant again. She really really likes getting pregnant. She also seems to like eating pancakes. She constantly craves them.
That night she gave birth to her second daughter, Vanessa.

Mad spent a bit of time off after work to meditate. As a result is is a lot more focused these days.
Now here's a first. For the first time in Sims 3 Transimvania, we have a series where Arcueid is the only Raven female without a baby.
Wolfie isn't exactly a winner in the popularity stakes, as he has managed somehow to acquire quite a few enemies. They've had to build an extra room to their home. Now, I wonder why that could be.
That night, Boo and Wolfie make themselves dinner. Boo burns her fettucini carbonara so she pinches Wolfie's plate of salad before he gets a chance to have any of it. Guess what that means Wolfie has to eat instead?
She brings it all up again early the next morning though
Pyr's up to her usualy tricks of trying to burn the house down with her cookery. Trent decided that this whole food burning think looked like great fun, so he set the kitchen on fire too. There was soot everywhere.
The Duke simply cannot help himself can ? He nwow has another son called Angel. I mean for crying out loud, Stop watching Buffy. We all know that Buffy is a step away from being Twilight.
The Bunny has been cheating on Messy. The Bunny also likes to collect seeds. Not to plant or anything like that. Just collect them. I'm just leaving that one the hell alone right now.
Sathy can has babby. A little boy called Darian, to her other boyfriend. She has a few on the go these days, you understand.
Sathy's not the only one who is now a mother. Immy also has a son called Amir. Imm's one inch closer to fame: she is working as a roadie.
Moriha has been feeling particularly fertile. She has a little daughter called Tennille and another on the way. Upon watching Moriha go about her business, it becomes evident as to why she is pregnant again. She really really likes getting pregnant. She also seems to like eating pancakes. She constantly craves them.
That night she gave birth to her second daughter, Vanessa.

Mad spent a bit of time off after work to meditate. As a result is is a lot more focused these days.
Now here's a first. For the first time in Sims 3 Transimvania, we have a series where Arcueid is the only Raven female without a baby.
Wolfie isn't exactly a winner in the popularity stakes, as he has managed somehow to acquire quite a few enemies. They've had to build an extra room to their home. Now, I wonder why that could be.
That night, Boo and Wolfie make themselves dinner. Boo burns her fettucini carbonara so she pinches Wolfie's plate of salad before he gets a chance to have any of it. Guess what that means Wolfie has to eat instead?
She brings it all up again early the next morning though
Pyr's up to her usualy tricks of trying to burn the house down with her cookery. Trent decided that this whole food burning think looked like great fun, so he set the kitchen on fire too. There was soot everywhere.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
SERIES 5: Traversing Abroad
The DUke, as usual, has managed to go a day without keeping his pants on. At present, he has two children, Howard and Keon. He has never met either of his children, and since his girlfriend had Keon, he hasn't really spoken to her. Well, he is evil, so what else would you expect.
Now here's an intriguing plot development. Messy and the Bunny have fallen madly in love and have moved in together. Bunny delights in bullying her husband, and he frequently feels humiliated after talking to her.
Both the Duke and Sathyr have something in common: they are both lieutenants in the Transimvanian Police Force.
Imm goes on a big five day trip to Shang Sim La to see what else she can find. She instead found that she spent most of her time collecting rocks and bugs for other people. She did get to visit some pretty cool places though.
Moriha goes on a trip to Champ Le SIms. Guess what she visits? A winery. She spent the whole day there, but had dinner at the French cafe in town. She spent the next day at the winery too. And after that she went fishing and caught a few frogs. Upon returning to Transimvania she goes to Central Park to play chess with the local postwoman. She wins.
Mad wants to go back to Chang Sim La. But work calls, and he needs the money. So he heads off after tea instead.
WHen he gets there she spends the entire day practicing on a training dummy. Another morning in Shang Sim La, and he feels sore and stiff. But he continues on his path of the Resolute Fist.
When he returns to Transimvania, he is capable of achieving the deep meditative trace thta only a true follower of the Path of the Resolute Fist can achieve.
Arcuied hasn't really sociallised much in Transimvania, although she and Sathyr are really good friends.
Despite both earning a steady enough income, neither have gotten anywhere. They haven't had children. Both always end up too tired from work to bother with things like that.
Trent takes off for work, leaving food in the oven -- AGAIN. Pyr has to save the food and stop the house from burning down.
The DUke, as usual, has managed to go a day without keeping his pants on. At present, he has two children, Howard and Keon. He has never met either of his children, and since his girlfriend had Keon, he hasn't really spoken to her. Well, he is evil, so what else would you expect.
Now here's an intriguing plot development. Messy and the Bunny have fallen madly in love and have moved in together. Bunny delights in bullying her husband, and he frequently feels humiliated after talking to her.
Both the Duke and Sathyr have something in common: they are both lieutenants in the Transimvanian Police Force.
Imm goes on a big five day trip to Shang Sim La to see what else she can find. She instead found that she spent most of her time collecting rocks and bugs for other people. She did get to visit some pretty cool places though.
Moriha goes on a trip to Champ Le SIms. Guess what she visits? A winery. She spent the whole day there, but had dinner at the French cafe in town. She spent the next day at the winery too. And after that she went fishing and caught a few frogs. Upon returning to Transimvania she goes to Central Park to play chess with the local postwoman. She wins.
Mad wants to go back to Chang Sim La. But work calls, and he needs the money. So he heads off after tea instead.
WHen he gets there she spends the entire day practicing on a training dummy. Another morning in Shang Sim La, and he feels sore and stiff. But he continues on his path of the Resolute Fist.
When he returns to Transimvania, he is capable of achieving the deep meditative trace thta only a true follower of the Path of the Resolute Fist can achieve.
Arcuied hasn't really sociallised much in Transimvania, although she and Sathyr are really good friends.
Despite both earning a steady enough income, neither have gotten anywhere. They haven't had children. Both always end up too tired from work to bother with things like that.
Trent takes off for work, leaving food in the oven -- AGAIN. Pyr has to save the food and stop the house from burning down.
Friday, February 12, 2010
SERIES 5: A Fresh Start
When Duke first moved into Transimvania, it was like a ghost town. And he was going to be the law here, dammit! For some reason, as yet to be known, Duke just keeps on calling this lady called Dorothy.
Next morning, Messy arrives in town. He decides to join the army. He thinks it would come in handy. After that, he goes for a nice little jog around town, then back home for a bite to eat.
The next to arrive in the wee hours of the morning is Sathyr. She also joins the police force, and Sathy runs into a charming young Egyptian tourist wandering around the place. They immediately start flirting with one another. She soon finds herself being swept off her feet by this exotic gentleman. SHe spends the rest of the day singing and chasing butterflies.
Next off the rack is Immortelle. She grabs a job in music and heads off overseas to Shang SimLa. While over there she raided a few tombs, and got some great souvenirs to take back home. With a living room filled with precious gems and artifacts that she had found, she relaxes and sleeps soundly, dreaming of her next great adventure.
The Bunny picked some prime real estate right next to the stadium and moved in. Ever the politically minded, she decided to get a job at city hall. The day goes pretty well for her. She goes to bed that night only to have her house broken into, and gets beaten up
Moriha found a lovely little cottage out of the way of the frantic hustle and husle, nestled between two cherry trees. She has discovered that she really likes fishing.
Mad has joined Moriha working at Transimvania hospital.
Mad flies off to Shang Sim La to learn some Martial Arts. He would have to be the craziest practicioner of Marcial Arts there is. he even got off the plan in his underwear. Once there, he began his study of the Way of the Resolute Fist. He returns home to the peace and quiet and scenic views of his homely little cottege.
Boo gets a job in the police force and almost straight away she gets clucky. Wolfie is more interested in learning the way of the Resolute Fist. Which means flying off to Shang Sim La. Boo found a pretty yellow sapphire sparkling away in her backyard. I guess these two Ravens can haz sparkles.
While Boo sits and reads and dreams about little bubs, Wolfie is out catching bugs.
At the end of the day, Boo and Wolfie meet at the stadium to what the Llamas play
Arcuied moves in across the road and joins the police force. She spent the day just settling in and relaxing.
Trent and Pyr ove in just down the street. Trents studying to be a doctor and Pyretta wants to be a sports star.
Trent seems to have developed some sort of neurosis, as he is always freaking out over stuff,
When Duke first moved into Transimvania, it was like a ghost town. And he was going to be the law here, dammit! For some reason, as yet to be known, Duke just keeps on calling this lady called Dorothy.
Next morning, Messy arrives in town. He decides to join the army. He thinks it would come in handy. After that, he goes for a nice little jog around town, then back home for a bite to eat.
The next to arrive in the wee hours of the morning is Sathyr. She also joins the police force, and Sathy runs into a charming young Egyptian tourist wandering around the place. They immediately start flirting with one another. She soon finds herself being swept off her feet by this exotic gentleman. SHe spends the rest of the day singing and chasing butterflies.
Next off the rack is Immortelle. She grabs a job in music and heads off overseas to Shang SimLa. While over there she raided a few tombs, and got some great souvenirs to take back home. With a living room filled with precious gems and artifacts that she had found, she relaxes and sleeps soundly, dreaming of her next great adventure.
The Bunny picked some prime real estate right next to the stadium and moved in. Ever the politically minded, she decided to get a job at city hall. The day goes pretty well for her. She goes to bed that night only to have her house broken into, and gets beaten up
Moriha found a lovely little cottage out of the way of the frantic hustle and husle, nestled between two cherry trees. She has discovered that she really likes fishing.
Mad has joined Moriha working at Transimvania hospital.
Mad flies off to Shang Sim La to learn some Martial Arts. He would have to be the craziest practicioner of Marcial Arts there is. he even got off the plan in his underwear. Once there, he began his study of the Way of the Resolute Fist. He returns home to the peace and quiet and scenic views of his homely little cottege.
Boo gets a job in the police force and almost straight away she gets clucky. Wolfie is more interested in learning the way of the Resolute Fist. Which means flying off to Shang Sim La. Boo found a pretty yellow sapphire sparkling away in her backyard. I guess these two Ravens can haz sparkles.
While Boo sits and reads and dreams about little bubs, Wolfie is out catching bugs.
At the end of the day, Boo and Wolfie meet at the stadium to what the Llamas play
Arcuied moves in across the road and joins the police force. She spent the day just settling in and relaxing.
Trent and Pyr ove in just down the street. Trents studying to be a doctor and Pyretta wants to be a sports star.
Trent seems to have developed some sort of neurosis, as he is always freaking out over stuff,
Unfortunately, due to technical issues surrounding the game (severe instability and loss of World Adventure accessibility), I had to do a complete reinstall of the Sims 2 + World Adventures. This meant that I needed to erase everything and I mean everything from my computer and start afresh. I still have notes of the last few weeks of series 4, so on request I will post them, but from here on in, its series 5.
This happened a while ago now. I've been playing a separate neighbourhood from Transimvania for a bit. Unfortunately it seems that there may be another reset involved. At present I am feeling very disappointed with EA. Their EPs are incredibly buggy, and their bug fixes and patches tend to do more harm than good.
Anyhow, we will see how we go this time . . . .
This happened a while ago now. I've been playing a separate neighbourhood from Transimvania for a bit. Unfortunately it seems that there may be another reset involved. At present I am feeling very disappointed with EA. Their EPs are incredibly buggy, and their bug fixes and patches tend to do more harm than good.
Anyhow, we will see how we go this time . . . .
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